Our Services
Alan S.r.l. is registered in the Lombardia section of the Albo Gestori Ambientali (Environmental Managers Registry) - Cat. 8 class B in order to carry out intermediation and trade of waste activities. As a result of the know-how matured over the past thirty years, the company is able to offer a wide range of disposal services for different types of waste. These services are performed in contracted facilities, both in Italy and abroad, which have been selected for their professionalism and reliability. The services offered can include collection, storage and transport.
Project planning
As a result of the extensive experience gained over the years in the project planning, construction, management, technological adaptation and maintenance of its plants, Alan S.r.l. has created a division formed by both internal resources and external companies specialized in these fields. The aim of this division is to offer consulting, design and maintenance services to third parties, in order to share the expertise gained especially in the fields of sludge treatment, composting, anaerobic digestion, renewable energy and biomethane production, as well as landfill design and management.
ALAN S.r.l. also collaborates with leading companies on the technological development of machinery and plants for waste recovery and treatment.
Between 2003 and 2020, ALAN S.r.l. owned and managed the OFMSW treatment plants located in the municipalities of Zinasco and Voghera. These plants, through an anaerobic digestion process produce electricity. Additionally, with the digestate obtained from this process and by means of an aerobic composting plant, quality compost is produced.
The plants are currently managed by ASM Voghera Spa and Ambyenta S.r.l., respectively.

Project Rainbow
Alan S.r.l., in adherence to the REGIONAL OPERATIONAL PROGRAMME 2014-2020 for the SUPPORT OF INVESTMENTS IN FAVOR OF ECONOMIC GROWTH AND EMPLOYMENT, has launched a research program for the feasibility attestation of a biorefinery for the production of bioplastics from the organic fraction of municipal solid waste (OFMSW ). The aim is to support regional bioeconomy policies and the competitiveness of the waste treatment and biobased manufacturing sector. Alan S.r.l., in partnership with Agromatrici, the University of Milan, ICRM CNR and CAT-Ronzoni will develop a protocol for the production of plastics (polyhydroxyalkanoates-PHA), produced from renewable and biodegradable sources, which are also economically and ecologically sustainable.

City Wise-net project
Eco-sustainability, Waste Valorization and Technological Innovation: these are the keywords of CITY WISE NET.
5 regional industrial players and 2 prestigious Milanese universities, with complementary competencies, have formed a network for the development and consolidation of innovative technologies whose implementation at an urban, metropolitan and territorial scale is absolutely cutting-edge.
The CITY WISE NET project aims to support regional bioeconomy development policies. It actively collaborates with the municipality of Milan, which has granted its endorsement, and with the Green Chemistry Lombardy cluster.
CITY WISE NET encourages dialogue between the public administration and territorial players operating in the research and Green Chemistry industries, with a particular focus on the fields of agroenergy, biofuels and green biotech.
In addition to Alan S.r.l., the project partners are:
Austep Spa, ACS Dobfar SPA, Labanalysis S.r.l., Consorzio Italbiotec, Politecnico di Milano and University of Milan.